Volleyball is considered a good aerobic exercise for several reasons:

  1. Increased Heart Rate: Volleyball players are usually on their feet for dozens of minutes, playing at 60% to 80% of their overall heart rate12. This increased heart rate stimulates the usage of most of your body muscles at a high pace and within limited periods of time1.
  2. Calorie Burning: One of the principal benefits of any aerobic exercise is that it burns calories, reducing weight and helping to prevent obesity1. The average person can burn anywhere between 90 to 133 calories by playing a non-competitive volleyball game for just half an hour1.
  3. Full Body Workout: Unlike some other forms of exercise, volleyball is a full body workout, engaging many different parts of the body1. Arms, chest, and shoulders are all involved in serving, digging, setting, and spiking the ball1. Practicing volleyball also develops bones, muscle, and tissue, particularly in the abdomen, thigh, and lower leg regions1.
  4. Mental Health Benefits: Playing volleyball regularly helps people feel confident and good about themselves, both physically and emotionally1. It can help improve agility, flexibility, reaction times, and speed1.
  5. Recommendations: The American College of Sports Medicine recommends that people undertake 30 minutes of moderately intense aerobic exercise at least five days a week just to maintain their current weight12. Volleyball fits into their criteria12.
healthandphysio Changed status to publish February 8, 2024