Border Collies are a high-energy breed that were traditionally bred for herding purposes12. As such, they require a significant amount of exercise to keep them healthy and happy. Here’s a general guideline:

  • Puppies (12 weeks and younger): At this age, it’s generally not advised to force any exercise on your Border Collie puppy as their joints are in a crucial stage of development1. Instead, engage them in lots of fun play activities and teach them commands, which helps to engage them mentally1.
  • Adult Border Collies: On average, adult Border Collies require at least 1 to 2 hours of exercise per day1234. This can include a combination of physical activities such as walking, running, hiking, herding trials, and agility training23.

Remember, when exercising Border Collies, it’s important to provide both physical exercise and mental stimulation1. A Border Collie who is well exercised physically but not mentally may still have pent-up energy1. Always tailor the exercise routine to your individual Border Collie’s needs3, and consult with your vet for personalized advice.

healthandphysio Changed status to publish February 16, 2024