The amount of exercise a Goldendoodle needs depends on several factors, including:


  • Puppies (up to 12 months): Due to their developing joints, vigorous exercise should be avoided. Aim for 15-30 minutes of exercise spread throughout the day, focusing on short walks, gentle playtime, and interactive toys. Gradually increase duration and intensity as they grow.
  • Adults (1-8 years): Most Goldendoodles require at least 1-2 hours of exercise daily. This can be split into walks, playtime, swimming, agility training, or other activities they enjoy. Adjust based on their individual energy levels and stamina.
  • Seniors (over 8 years): Exercise needs decrease, focusing on moderate walks, shorter playtime, and mental stimulation. Pay attention to their energy levels and adjust accordingly.


  • Standard Goldendoodles: Typically require more exercise (1.5-2 hours) due to their larger size and higher energy levels.
  • Miniature Goldendoodles: May need slightly less exercise (1-1.5 hours) but still require significant activity.

Energy Level:

  • High-energy Goldendoodles: May need closer to 2 hours of exercise, incorporating activities that challenge them physically and mentally.
  • Lower-energy Goldendoodles: May be content with 1-1.5 hours, with a focus on walks and gentle playtime.

Overall Health:

  • Healthy Goldendoodles: Can handle the above mentioned exercise guidelines.
  • Goldendoodles with health conditions: Consult your veterinarian for a personalized exercise plan that considers their specific needs and limitations.

Exercise Types:

  • Walks: Explore different routes, engage in sniff walks, and offer opportunities for socialization in controlled settings.
  • Playtime: Fetch, tug-of-war, frisbee, or obstacle courses provide physical and mental stimulation.
  • Swimming: Great low-impact exercise, particularly in hot weather, but ensure proper supervision and training.
  • Agility training: Fun and mentally stimulating activity that challenges their physical ability and coordination.
  • Brain games: Puzzle feeders, interactive toys, and scent work keep their minds active and prevent boredom.

Safety Tips:

  • Gradual progression: Puppies and growing dogs require slower increases in exercise intensity and duration to avoid joint strain.
  • Warm-up and cool-down: Short walks or gentle playtime before and after strenuous activities help prevent injuries.
  • Listen to your dog: Stop if they show signs of fatigue, overheating, or discomfort.
  • Hydration: Provide water breaks during exercise, especially in hot weather.
  • Avoid extreme temperatures: Don’t exercise them in very hot or cold conditions.

Remember: Every Goldendoodle is an individual. Consult your veterinarian for a personalized exercise plan that considers their specific age, size, energy level, overall health, and preferences.

healthandphysio Changed status to publish February 8, 2024