After dental implant surgery, it’s generally recommended to keep physical activities to a minimum for at least 1 week1. This period could vary depending on your procedure and how your body has responded so far1.

Jumping back into exercise too soon can cause the implant to be rejected from the site1. Even running and jogging can cause an increase in your pain due to the increased blood flow to the area1.

When you restart your activities, you have to be conscious of your healing process1. Avoid situations where you could put undue stress or even risk injury or impact to the area1.

If you’re unsure of when is the right time to begin exercising again, you should always ask your dentist1. Each patient’s situation is very different1.

Once you do get back into your exercise routine 3 or 4 days after surgery, you should begin with light activities2. You can practice yoga, walk around your neighborhood or lightly stretch in your living room2.

Remember, if throbbing or bleeding occurs while practicing your favorite sport, you must stop and discontinue exercising1. Bending, lifting or strenuous activity may cause you to have an increase in bleeding, swelling, and pain1.

Always listen to your body and the implant site. Be mindful of the warning signs that your body gives you to determine whether or not it’s too soon for exercise1.

healthandphysio Changed status to publish February 16, 2024